Salam to all..sorry kerana lama sgt menyepikan diri...ha..ha..ha..same old excuses..lots of works n lots of orders...harap semuanya sihat walafiat n diberkati Allah...and hati ini tersentuh dgn peristiwa tanah runtuh di rumah Rumah Anak-Anak Yatim dan Anak-Anak Hidayah Al-Taqwa di hulu langat....sedih sungguh ...16 nsyawa terkorban...alfatihah untuk mereka semua...dari Allah kita datang...kepada Allah kita kembali..dan kita juga akan menjejaki mereka satu hari nanti. Kepada keluarga semua mangsa yg terlibat, semuga diberi kekuatan untk menghadapi segala dugaan dari Allah. Sesungguhnya ia merupakan ujian keimanan...Al-Fatihah..
Ok..cake story now....this cake was specially made for..siapa lagi kalau bukan untuk mak andam diva from Delima andaman...cik andam Erin...It was a suprise for her..a very big suprise...Actually before this I dah dua kali reject order dia...biasalah tu, walaupun dia rapat dgn i ...still kena reject juga coz i had things to do on the dates given....and lagipun dia ni selalu order waktu subuh...n cake to be delivered waktu tu le kena reject...And she tak putus asa..ordered her own birthday cake ..she sms n msg me via FB which I tak balas langsung...I just simply ignored her, n she was so geram....Ha..ha...ha...I told my hubby let her geram...she can geram sepuas2 hati sampai her birthday...and at the same time I berpakat dgn Ella..adik erin..dialah agen KGB check where about she would be on her bday...and told her make sure she didnt order any cakes....she can order cekodok for her bday..but not
So for the cake, i chose a very special cake for her sesuai dgn kerjayanya yg vogue n glamor...a makeup bag. Actually it was a delayed project...Aunty Rozana ordered a bday cake for Erin a year before but tk kesampaian..maklumlah diva was shopping for her wedding in Bandung...So...akhirnya sampai juga hajat I untuk membuat this makeup bag...
Why did i chose blue n pink polka dot? Well , actually she wanted it to be on her wedding n pink polka dot...but i told her tak best, nanti kek dia tak glamor...So sbagai untuk mencapaikan hajatnya, I did it for her bday cake...and the most challenging thing was to get the lid of the bag berdiri tegak 90 darjah...Mati2 I mesti nak ia berdiri tegak...baru real...Actually the penutup is dummy..tapi walaupun dummy, mencabar juga nak tegakkan sebab bila dah letak fondant ia jadi berat. I gunakan lidi satay yg panjang untuk tegakkan..cucuk hingga ke bawah...n had to be done very carefully coz i ada ruang yg limited..Salah cucuk akan cacatkan kek...begitu juga dgn balancing. Actually being a cake decorator or designer...we are also engineers at the same time....have to know the technical aspect...salah perkiraan, our cakes can collapsed..and somtimes we also have to take into account the proportion issue...bnyak benda yg harus difikirkan bila kita ingin construct a cake...bukan simply suka2...And this cake lebih challenging lagi coz i buat dlm masa yg singkat sangat..maklumlah nak mengejar si diva kita..if lambat,maknanya I kena hantar ke Muar le...
Real or not the zip? Senang aje buatnya...tak perlukan modal yg mahal...RM0.50 aje n nampak lebih halus jika dibandingkan dgn mold...Harga zipper mold boleh tahan juga mahalnya..Tak salah if nak gunakan mold tu...but if kita tak selalu menggunakannya biarlah kita guna " mold yg jauh lebih murah" .He...he...he..beli aje zip yg dijual dikdai dan tekankan aje diatas fondant yg digelek and potong ikut saiznya, dapatlah kesan zip yg kita mahu...
And as for the kesan jahitan, I gunakan roller tukang jahit..i do not know what's the name...but dia ada roda yg bergigi gelekkan aje...and dapatlah kesan jahitan tu...
So..if bag makeup, kenalah ada gadget2 the blushers, eyeshadows n what so ever yg berkaitan...semuanya dari fondant...I love doing these things...
And tak ketinggalan juga, lipsticks n facepowder..but notice my lipsticks lembik..coz tak cukup kering...kesuntukkan masa....rasa tak puas hati sangat..but what to do..keadaan memaksa...ha..ha..ha..excuses...By the way, I selitkan 2 batang cucuk sanggul as symbol of mak andam....if not bukanlah makeup bag for mak andamkan..
And not to forget the brushes too...itu yg menambahkan berat kepada penutupnya..and bagi sesiapa yg tertanya2 what does "da" stand stands for Delima Andaman...milik cik diva kita...and pada bakal pengantin melaka, boleh checkout for Delima andaman di facebook...Erin is a gifted makeup person..dont worry yr face tak akan bertukar jadi mcm pelakon opera Cina...As for the brushes...i gunakan extruder...
So finally..the whole cake...rasa puas hati sgt can do this special cake for the diva..walaupun kurang kemas sikit...The cake was sent petng itu juga...Punyalah jenuh me and my agen2 KGB...Ella, Anty Rozana n also the sporting husband of the diva..Anty rozana pakat dgn Piee supaya buat2 sakit perut..and sanggup suruh Piee merelakan dirinya disapu minyak angin if terpaksa...Wktu I smapai, si diva berada didapur n she thought makcik mana lah dtng kerumah dia wktu maghrib...hmm..makcik...Dia benar2 terperanjat when she saw me n the cake....ha...ha..ha..hilang merajuk n kemarahan dia sebab i ignore sms n msg dia...We had an early celebration but the cake wasnt cut ...i pun tak sampai hati nak potong..
Well to cik diva kita..semuga dipanjangkn umur, dimurahkan rezeki , diberkati Allah and thank you for the beautiful friendship..ha..ha..ha..taun depan kek buat sendiri ya...kek gunung berapi to all my agen KGB..Ella, Aunty Rozana n hero filem Tamil..Piee..terima kasih daun keladi coz turut bersusah payah melaksanakan program underground I.
To all...salam sayang buat semua...semuga kita sentiasa produktif n positif dlm semua perkara..always believe in yourself...sampai kita ketemu lagi...take care n salam sayang buat semua...
3 years ago
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