salam pd semua...hving my break after a very tiring but fun weekend....a weekend yg penuh dgn suspen, panik, gelabah and penuh dgn cabaran...actually penuh dgn disaster but alhamdulillah semuanya dapat diatasi...Last week...for the first time atas special request from special people, I did 4 buttercream hantaran cakes for weddings and bertunang..will post the pictures in another entry....
This is the most special wedding cake yg I pernah's red and black! Mesti ramai yg akan terperanjat tenguk warna kek ni..memang merah I've told some of my friends..i love to play with bold and vibrant colors.. To me this cake is very sexy, wild and hot!!! and I was so pleased with the result...sound easy kan..but the thing is..this cake merupakan diantara kek yg paling banyak memberi msalah...infact it was a big disaster at the beginning!!! However dgn pertolongan my munchkin and also my kids...everything berjaya diatasi..tq to all of u..this cake tak akan berjaya disempurnakan without the help from them...hugs and kisses from me...
This cake was ordered by Izan...last year somewhere in November..she told me she wanted a red cake..bunga putih...bentuk hati and I was totally a very big disaster. With buttercream susah nak dapt warna merah hati...the color pecah..mcm gambar kat atas tu...I was so frustrated...very frustrated...called up Izan she said it was long as it is red...Well...selesai masalahkan...customer tak kisah...phew lega..!!! But being me, I was not satisfied..coz bila Izan placed the order..I dah bayangkan I wanted something very hot wild and infact i yg rekomenkan supaya pilih warna padanan hitam instead of putih..i wanted the cake to be something different...a cake which will make heads turn...My munchkin also felt the us, if we are not satisfied...customer akan lagi rasa tak puas hati juga...
Puas juga I cuba dapatkan warna merah yg dihajati..but tak was thinking of using my new airbrush set...maybe Allah benar2 nak menduga I malam tu...the airbrush set tak boleh digunakan...rang up Sammy pukul 9.30 the way she is one of my sifusvand she is Tan See Fong's wife...munchkin i beli dari dia...She asked us to come over and tukar...but masa dah terlalu suntuk...I had to do the frosting munchkin i yg pergi..we were thinking to spray dgn airbrush...Hampir putus asa dibuatnya...tak pernah ada perasaan I tried to calm down..and finally I decided to guna it will be on me...To me, I am willing to tanggung kerugian daripada spoilkan harapan and kegembiraan my customer...walaupun diMelaka cake kurang bermakna pada para some..kek pengantin hanya untuk tujuan bergambar aje bila pakai wedding's not something special...jgn terperanjat if ada yg suruh simpan kek pengantin dlm rumah...To me kek pengantin sgt istimewa..sebab tu I really put the effort to decorate my wedding cake...And atas sebab itulah...i decided to buat kek fondant...tak sampai 15 min, i dah dapat warna merah yg would be a big suprise for Izan...
Dari awal lagi I dah cakap dgn Izan...let's do a red and black cake...and she agreed..padanan hitam dgn merah yg sgt terang menghasilkan kesan yg sungguh dramatik and benar2 untuk hiasan, i buatkan mawar hitam and also lingkaran hitam mengelilingi the way..the black color memang hitam berkilat barulah dapat kesan seperti yg i hendak bila diletakkan diatas warna merah tu..
This cake dua tingkat and seperti biasa, I do not like to use the normal plastic pillars...sorry but no offense..rasa mcm outdated pulak...So dgn pertolongan my munchkin..I used a heart shape styrofoam sbagai pengganti pillar plastik..dibalut dgn riben hitam and kemudiannya dilapiskan dgn renda hitam bercorak...Begitu juga dgn base dibahagian bawah...and perasan tak corak lingkaran ditepi kek senada dgn corak di renda hitam...
As u notice, cake board i yg berbentuk hati sama sja ukuran dgn cake...Actually, susah nak dapat cake board bentuk hati yg sepadan dgn saiz sekali lagi dgn pertolongan my munchkin...cake board terpaksa dipotong sesuai dgn saiz yg diperlukan..and dibalut dgn kertas emas khas..memang board tu dah siap dibalut..but warnanya berlainan....everything has to be perfect and nice...sebab tu dibalutkan dgn kertas emas yg lebih menarik...and semuanya dibuatkan oleh munchkin wasn't easy to cut the hard board....apalagi dlm saat2 yg really menguji kesabaran i pada mlm tu...I ingat, bila dah guna fondant, masalah I akan selesai...NOOOOO...fondant pulak buat hal....sebab cuaca lembab maka ia jadi a bit berair and melekit..tu belum lagi mention..bunga2 hitam and daun2nya pun dah start menjadi lembik....everything had to be done at a very quick speed...supaya i dapat pindahkan dlm bilik berair-cond secepat mungkin..yup..fondant alah pada humidity...
I decided not to do the "tradisional" setting....I wanted something different in everything termasuk tingkat yg kedua...susunannya tidak selari...lagipun i nak pertontonkan setiap sudut kek... 3.15 in the morning..after facing all the problems and disaster moments...the cake was done..and hasilnya...fantastic...pada I lah...memang puas hati sgt...hopefully Izan would be happy with the cake...
This cake was delivered to Izan's house very early in the morning coz I had to rush to segamat for my cousin's wedding and majlis pertunangan adik ipar I yg berjalan serentak di Segamat pada hari yg sama...The best thing was..kek hantaran adik ipar i masih belum siap lagi...ha..ha..ha..dah terbayang muka ibu mertua the way..sewaktu i type this dearest MIL berada dlm pesawat menuju Mekah...untuk ibadah umrah..semuga dipermudahkan segala urusan ibu disana...
Sempat jumpa Izan seketika...and juga cik andam Erin yg glamor sewaktu hantar kek...dah agak dah..she must change her mind for her wedding cake..everytime she sees different design..sabar ya cik Erin..yr wedding bulan 7..lama lagi...belum lagi ada design untuk u..if ada design mesti banyak kali kena ubah...;)
Well to Izan..tqvm and semuga berbahagia hingga ke jannah bersama suami tercinta...banyakkan sabar and bertolak ansur and semuga dikurniakan zuriat soleh and the way, Izan did send me a very lovely and sweet tq msg...biar i saja yg tahu..but her sincere sweet message really menmbuatkan i lupa dgn segala susah payah and kesulitan yg dialami sewaktu hendak menghasilkan kek yg benar2 sexy and wild ini...tq so much dear
3 years ago
It's certainly different and it's stunning!!!!
Did you use Satin Ice Red and Black?? Even with fondant,it's hard to get it really red and really black. So Satin Ice coloured fondant are really lifesavers (for me lah).
Congratulations once again.
saya sgt suka kek akak yg ini!!! sgt cantik! i like! kak shikin.. today i'll be going to melaka.. ada meeting.. sajer jer nak bagitau akak sebab akak kat melaka.. hahaha... sajer jer ngengada...
anyway.. kek dan idea akak sgt best..
sy ada question nak tanya leh ke? nanti sy email kat akak yerk.. heheh
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