Salam buat semua...well, it had been a tiring day...sepanjang hari menyiapkan cupcake..20 cuppies but mengambil masa sehari suntuk untuk disiapkan ..,tupun belum siap 100%..Maybe ada yg hairan..kenapa cupcake yg kecil tu mahal harganya...It's because...semakin kecil cupcake tu semakin rumit and leceh untuk membuat hiasannya...i'm talking about fondant cupcakes..not buttercream cuppies...if buttercream, i believe it will take much lesser time...Sebab tu personally I prefer to decorate big cakes....tak leceh and tak rumit...Just imagine nak mengulit satu persatu hiasannya....ooohhh memang memenatkan...20 cuppies with 20 different designs...walaupun begitu, I really enjoy doing it..I always feel guilty just to do simple design for my customer...Every customer is very special to seboleh2nya I prefer to buat customize design..and one design for each customer...and setakat ni repeat design lagi...
Ok, sementara ada kesempatan ni..let us forget about cupcake and sambung semula about my experience sewaktu Malaysian Wedding Cake Competition ..let us talk about the peacock...AS i had mentioned earlier..I wanted everything to be in 3D dimension...and had to be from royal icing..and di pipe dgn menggunakan nozzle no 1 sahaja...I was so determine to do it sehalus yg mungkin and kalau boleh nak saja gunakan nozzle no 0 or 00 but disebabkan kesuntukan masa terpaksa guna nozzle no 1. As for royal icing..I used superice and memang banyak superice yg digunakan in creating this peacock. As you can see..all the small feathers were glued to the body and tidak melekat dibadannya untuk menampakkan kesan 3D...Mesti ada yg nak tahu mcm mana nak buat benda ni...It's so easy..what u have to is to lakarkan template corak yg diingini diaas for these feathers..satu corak sahaja I gunakan. Normally people will pipe the royal icing on grease paper...tunggu benar2 kering baru dicabutkan dgn menggunakan spatula yg paling halus....but I found a way which is much easier and less time consuming and less mudarat...ha..ha..ha..Less mudarat sewaktu hendak mencabutnya dari kertas..silap2 boleh patah ketika mengalihkannya..What I did is..I gunakan kepingan plastik..plastik transparent yg biasa dijual dikedai..tapi yg licin...So I tampal plasti tu diatas cake board...and letakkan lakaran dibawahnya...So pipekan aje terus mengikut corak lakaran will dry so fast and bila hendak dicabutkan lakaran tersebut..just pull away the plastic and it will take few seconds....less hassle and kurang risiko untuk patah. Rasanya hundreds juga I pipekan these small feathers..
Proses untuk melekatkannya ke badan adalah proses yg paling mencabar...coz it had to stand tidak boleh terus melekat kebadan. Kena tunggu benar2 kering baru buat yang lain..and silap sikit boleh patah...Seluruh badan burung was covered with these small feathers..and bahagian paling mencabar ialah dibahagian dada..coz had to ditampalkan mengikut alunan bentuk dada...bukan setakat tampal sahaja...biar nampak beautiful movement of the feathers..
Begitu juga dgn bahagian tengkuknya...setiap bulu dipiped satu persatu..dibiarkan kering and dicantumkan...but design untuk bahagian tengkuk lain dari design bulu badan coz had to sesuaikan dgn bentuk tengkuk yg panjang ...if buatkan bulat2 nampak hodoh pula kan...Actually sebelum buat the whole design for this peacock..I belek satu persatu gambar the pattern, the flows and etc..etc..etc.etc..ha...ha..ha..mcm king mongkut pula dlam filem King and I ..etc..etc...etc...etc...Ok sorry termelalut pula,..but I love that movie.
OK..back to peacock...Yup, lots of reseach on peacocks had been done for this project..and from there i baru tahu rupanya ada white peacock and it's known as albino peacock...So I guess mine can be called the golden albino peacock...Well have to stop..coz have to get ready for my wedding cake project pula... a combination of cleopatra and belly dancer ideas...till we meet again..tq for keep on visiting my humble blog..and try to enjoy what we are doing and be ikhlas in everything than only we can see good results..take care...
3 years ago
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