Jika hari ini seorang perdana menteri berkuasa,
Jika hari ini seorang raja menaiki takhta,
Jika hari ini seorang presiden sebuah negara,
Jika hari ini seorang ulamak mulia,
Jika hari ini seorang peguam menang bicara,
Jika hari ini seorang penulis terkemuka,
Jika hari ini siapa sahaja menjadi dewasa,
Sejarahnya bermula dari seorang guru biasa....
Salam buat semua...kata2 puitis diatas memang menyentuh perasaan and i'm not sure siapa penulisnya..but ia begitu menyentuh perasaan...walau apa sekalipun kita..setinggi mana kita berada..semuanya bermula dari seorang guru biasa...tanpa mereka kita kita iarat layang2 putus tali..terbang tanpa hala tujuan..to all the teachers...semuga Allah memberkati segala usaha mendidik anak bangsa menjadi seorang manusia....
Well...this wedding cake dibuat istimewa untuk sepasang suami isteri yg sungguh istimewa and banyak berjasa to me...Cikgu Haji Zainudin Mah Jilis dan Cikgu Hajah Rohaya Alias...bekas cikgu MRSM Muar dan sekarang mengajar di MRSM Pontian...and they were my two advisors in MRSM Muar dari form 1 hingga form 5..kiranya macam ibu and ayah kami di MRSM..and there was one bad incident which tarnished my name but my dad..Cikgu Zainudin was the one yg membela I coz he knew I didn't commit the offense and till now I really appreciate the trust that he had in me...Banyak and besar sungguh jasa kedua2 mereka didalam proses pembelajaran and pembesaran I...and tidak terbalas budi mereka..so when their eldest daughter kahwin..i offered to do the wedding cake for them as a token of my love and appreciation for this two insan yg sgt istimewa...terima kasih cikgu...and by the way..i had known both of them dari zaman bujang mereka...and when they announced they were getting married we were so happy..so actually i had known both of them way before the pengantin was born..oh dear...i'm so old already...lol
Since both of them are very special to me...I decided to buat something very special and this was the first time I came up with life size flowers spray...and I chose Cathaleya orchid as the main flowers and accompanied with other wild flowers and berries..and leaves and I tried my best to make them as realistic as I could...tak lah susah sgt buat bunga2 ni..yg penting kena canai senipis yg boleh and mengikut bunga yg asal...I decided to choose a white cathaleya with some pinkish lips..and purple wild flowers and some orange berries...supaya complement dgn tema perkahwinan...purple...
And in this spray..i gunakan few techniques which i learned from brother Shahril in making flowers...dusting, airbrushing n lot more..and I also refer to Alan Dunns book...trust me...tak perlukan seorag yg kreatif to come up with this flower..sesiapa sahaja boleh buat..asalkan sabar and yg penting punya keinginan..pls jangan mengalah sebelum mencuba...we won't go far if we keep on saying to ourself or to others that we are not creative..once u said that, it will block evry capability that u hv..so dear friends always mencuba and always believe we can do it...
There was a story behing this my first spray...it took me from morning till afternoon to complete the arrangement.maklumlah orng baru..sterkial2 dibuatnya..sakit juga tangan memintal the wires...I had to make sure the arrangement tersusun cantik and in place..bukan caca merba...Actually i memang tak pernah susun bunga...I don't like to do floral arrangement..rasa mcm tangan kayu aje...ut as i said earlier...do not use it as an alasan..think positive..and alhamdulillah, I was very satisfied with the arrangement...When everything was finished and i was so lega..so I decided to keep it in my cabinet coz nak solat zuhur..letak sahaja.."bump"..i tak perasan ada satu kayu tebal kat tepi cabinet tu..mybe my kids yg letak...and it falled right on my spray....terhenti nafas I for few seconds..rasa nak menangis..coz it hit my main flowers..one of the petal patah...nasib baik bukan the lips...and few others also patah...sedih sgt...tk sempat ambil gamar..bayangkan dah penat buat n patah dalam sekelip mata....so lepas solat zuhur, I buka balik semula spray ni...buat balik petal yg baru and buang bunga yg patah..ganti yg baru..nasib baik ada buat lebih...and redo balik....and this time it took me only about 10 minutes to complete the spray coz maklumlah dah tahu mcm mana kedudukannya...alhamdulillah...but sedihlah juga...
For this special cake, i decided to do some painting at the sites and the colours senanda dgn warna2 spray i...pink, orange, purple and hijau. Semuanya dilukis tangan dgn menggunakan berus number 1 and 3/10..ada dijual dikedai stationery or craftshop. I didn't use any templates..everything was freehand and base on imagination..and i wanted every pieces to be different from each design...mye painting is another thing which we can just let go all the imaginations that we hv...By the way..i gunakan color Wilton..
This was a two tier set..and this time I used different hues of purple for each tier..yg bawah huenya lebih gelap sikit and both of them i airbrushed dgn pearl sheen..as for the borders...i gunakan purple yg lebih gelap n tried to make it as simple as i could coz I wanted the spray to be the main attraction..and kali ni susunan kek pun semuanya kebelakang untuk memberi ruang for the spray...and the spray was assembled at the venue..coz i didn't dare to take the risk of it jatuh during transportation infact all the way to the venue, I pegang spray tu..mcm baby pulak...he..he..he...
So the spray diletakkan di atas kek bila sampai dilokasi..by the way...i did balutkan bawahnya dgn aluminium foil dan juga flower pick yg i buat sendiri...ha..ha..ha..save my money....no need to buy the expensive one..and i owe this to my darling munchkin creativeness..what he did was..he cut the buble tea straw...and bentukkan sperti flower pick...it's important to use a flower pick or aluminium foil bila we want to cucukkan bunga..during my early days..i admitted..i just prick the flowers to the cake..maklumle belajar sendiri..but actually we are not supposed to do like that...so now every of my flowers mesti i gunakan aluminium foil untuk balutan and my homemade flower pick...then baru dicucuk pada kek...and now i always pesan pada my customers..do not eat the flowers..penat buat...and lagi satu ia boleh dijadikan kenangan perkahwinan..if disimpan betul..ia boleh tahan bertahun lamanya...syarat jgn kena air or simpan ditempat lembab..and for my fecorator friends..i find a way to simpan my flowers..walau hujan lebat macam mana pun ia tak akan "layu" or sweating..and no aircond..simpan didalam kabinet or bekas yg tertutup..or dlm kotak...and insyaalah ia akan tahan..
So alhamdulillah...mission accomplished..frankly speaking, berdebar juga buat cake ni..maklumlah, this the first time i menggunakan this kind of design ..takut people won't appreciate it and yg paling mendebarkan I...this cake was for my cikgu...he..he..he...i do not know why...wlaupun usia i dah tua..tp bila dealing with my ex-teachers I masih lagi rasa that i'm still under their pengawasan...to me, teachers always have special place in my life...mcm mana tinggi pun ilmu kita and sekaya mana kita pun..always remember...we owe it to our dearest cikgu2 yg pernah mendidik and membimbing kita...I was so happy to meet my "dad" and "mum" for the first time after 23 years...and alhamdulillah they like the cake..so that means...i passed....ha...ha..ha..mcm exam pulak...
Well before i quit...will like to extend my thank you to both Cikgu Haji Zinuddin and Cikgu Hajah Rohaya...maybe i never say this before to both of u..but terima kasih yg tidak terhingga diatas segala jasa cikgu berdua didalam mendidik dan membimbing saya...menjadikan saya sebagai seorang manusia...terima kasih tidak terhingga..halalkan segala ilmu dan bimbingan yg dierikan...tiada apa yng boleh diberikan bagi membalas budi baik cikgu walaupun segunung intan dan emas permata..hanya doa kepada Allah supaya dipanjangkan umur cikgu berdua, diberi kesihatan yg elok dan semuga sentiasa dirahmati and diberkati Allah..jasa dan budi baik cikgu akan saya bawa sehingga mati..terima kasih cikgu...
3 years ago
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