Salam to all...and hopefully it's not too late for me to wish everybody a very happy new year...semuga tahun 2011 ini akan menjadi tahun yg lebih baik untuk kita..semuga rezeki melimpah ruah and semuga umur kita yang semakin menghampiri penhghujungnya diberkati Allah...yup..actually evry kedatangan tahun baru merupakan tanda peringatan kepada kita bahawa tiada apa yang harus diraikan infact it is a reminder for us supaya memperbaiki segala kelemahan dan keburukan kita...jesteru itu we have to berazam untuk mebuat yg paling terbaik untuk terus "menabung" dalam saham akhirat kita kerana perjanjian kita dengan Allah untuk kembali bertemu denganNya semakin hampir....So dear friends jangan kita kata umur kita masih muda...umur kita masih panjang..but sentiasa beringatlah...tiada siapa yang tahu akan bila tarikh kepulangan kita menemui YA Rabb...mungkin esok..mungkin lusa..mungkin minggu depan..mungkin tahun depan...BUT mungkin juga hari ini...apa2 pun alhamdulillah kerana walaupun kita selalu lupa dengan Allah tetapi Allah masih memberi rahmatNYA kepada kita..dan semuga kita akan terjaga dari kealpaan kita..amin...
Okay...let's talk about cake decorating...buat masa ni...i want to show my new project...I will continue about the peacock in the next entry...boring juga agaknya tak habis2 pasal peacock...but I masih belum mention about the peak of the excitement during the competition ;). Ok..ok..ok....let's talk about my new project..apa agaknya project terbaru I ya?
This is my new project..not my new love though....coz I have always love doing this since I was the age of a very small bexact when I was around 10 years old I had started this thing already...apa ya agaknya...ha...ha...projek membuat bunga...but masa tu buat bunga dari crepe paper le...maybe generasi muda tak tahu apa crepe paper...bermacam2 bunga boleh dibuat dari crepe first flower was bunga orkid....then followed by corn flower..then the advance one..bunga rose...Actually maybe all my interest in flowers derived from my late mum....she was very creative in flower making...apa sahaja bunga boleh dibuatnya...and from any medium...ribbon, dip, crepe paper, benang, kain, daun getah and even sisik ikan pun juga le...and i'm sure if she is still around she must try her hand on gumpaste flowers too...and I still have my mum's artwork..I guess it was done when I was in standard sudah berdekad-dekad usianya...and this is her bunga sisik ikan....yup..sisik ikan merah dicantum satu2..yg bunga merah tu..bunga tulip...hasil kerja tangan i and dibuat dari crepe paper...Well I always treasure this "invaluable harta pusaka" from my late mum..alfatihah for her..and may her soul rest in peace in the garden of Jannah ..amin..
Before this I had been showing all of u all 5 petal flowers..which I panggil bunga's very simple to do and ambil masa yg sekejap sebab tu I label it as bunga malas...and I always amaze at bunga "rajin" bunga rajin juga...To me..bunga rajin is the bunga which we have to really put our effort...buat kelopak satu persatu...bentukkan..pasangkan wayar..keringkan, warnakan dengan luster dust or any color medium..haaaa...tu baru dipanggil bunga short cut ...and memang dah lama I berhajat untuk belajar buat bunga rajin ni..and alhamdulillah akhirnya tercapai juga hajat untuk berguru dgn Bro Shahril..juara pertandingan wedding cake..and kami berkenalan sewaktu di pertandingan tersebut...he is a very humble guy..walaupun sudah banyak merai kemenangan di luar negara terutaman Australia dan UK..but he is so damn humble..infact dia yg menegur I dulu...bukanle maksudnya I sombong tak nak tegur dia..but siapa lah kita..kita orang kecil..dia org besar....but actually before that dah terkena..cuba menegur beberapa org cake artist...walawei..sombongnya bukan main lagi..bukan terkenal sgt pun mereka but lagaknya macam sgt terror and terkenal...ada pula yg kita senyum kat dia..muka dia masam kelat..well..ini bukan cerita rekaan..but what i experienced during the competition...nak tengok kita sebelah mata pun tak nak...and sad to say..most of them are malay decorators...bukan nak cakap pula...i'm a Malay decorator too and basically i'm a freshie in this offend to any malay decorators yg baik hati...but from my experience..ramai malay decorators yg tak friendly and tidak mahu berkongsi idea or pengalaman..well..always remember...satu ilmu yang diberi tidak akan merugikan or membangkruptkan kita....malah Allah promises to reward us for our generosity and jgn takut...lagipun rezeki Allah yang the way dibawah ini bunga yg dihasilkan oleh Shah...not me kay...By the way this is Shah's blog add...
I told Shah that I wanted to learn the most difficult that I will know the techniques..I always believe once we know the technique..insyaAllah we can apply it for other creation..sama juga dgn fondant..just go for the basic class...tak perlu untuk pergi belajar banayk kelas..but provided u find a good master,..and if u all perasan..memang I only go for classes yg I really think the person is really a master..sekali lagi no offend..but if logic akal...lebih baik kita belajar dgn org yg benar2 ada ilmu..bukan dgn org yg baru sekali dua belajar...terus buka kelas..and the best thing dia sendiri tak lepas lagi but dah charge mahal...this kind of thing will ruin the artwork...bukan I nak menempelak sesiapa..tapi itulah hakikatnya sekarang..Before belajar dgn Shah, memang I ada google tengok class yg lain..but bila tengok hasil kerjanya..ughhh..tak apa le...or maybe ada sifu2 lain yg I tak jumpa waktu for this class...we were thought how to do the Jpanese peony, scorpion orchid, capers, balinese frangipani and few sets of leaves...
There were five of us in the class...laili, Sarah, Kak Aini, my best friend Elaine nad myself...Two days of class and it was a very long class...but we had fun...shah was too generous with his knowledge..a very excellent teacher,..a master actually...apa taknya..anak murid Alan Dunn ...and he is a perfectionist...still remember when he asked us to buat the throat of the scorpion ocrhid...mesti ada dua bintil dihujungnya and dibawah dilorekkan sikit..I never perasan all these details..and one of uf buat 3..he told us to do 2 not we all jawablah..alah bukan org perasan pun...ha..ha..ha..selamba aje dia jawab..I perasan...that's how detail he is..In this class we learned the technique of making the flowers, airbrushing, dusting and hand painting...if u all tenguk daun keladi tu..memang hand painted and ada stroke technique..bukan cincai buat....All the flowers n leaves mesti ada its natural flow..bukan kejung sekejung-kejungnya..the flowers tak boleh jadi macam bunga plastik...So dibawah ni is my flower..alhamdulillah sempat disiapkan sewaktu class walaupun terpaksa dilanjutkan hingga ke pukul sepuluh was supposed to end at 6....Maaf tak da bnyak gambar for this flower..coz tak sempat nak ambil...we were so busy...working and laughing and gossiping
I had fun in the class..the class was full with laughters and jokes...especially from Laili..hopefully we'll meet again in different class..By the way, for this class kami menggunakan gumpaste resepi Shah..and I tell u..this the best gumpaste yg pernah I jumpa..bunga I masih lagi keras..tak lembut walaupun dlm cuaca yg penuh dgn kelembapan and alhamdulillah since then I had been using his recipe...Ok doki will pen off here..will show my other flowers in the next entry...salam sayang untuk semua...;)
3 years ago
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