Kasihnya ibu
Membawa ke syurga
Kasihnya saudara
Masa berada
Berkorban raga
Rela binasa
Berkorban nyawa
Tanda kasihnya
Salam pada semua...mesti some of the readers are expecting me memaparkan my fondant artwork...well, still have lots more to show..but this time I want to showcase a very simple buttercream cake which was requested by a daughter for her mother's birthday...yup..a very simple buttercream cake..actually i'm more into fondant deco but sometimes atas permintaan I will do buttercream artwork..but as usual I don't like to do design yg mcm kat kedai...
I will always be very sentimental when it comes to birthday cake for mothers..betapa beruntungnya orang yg ada ibu..to me org yg paling kaya ialah org yg masih mempunyai ibu..My own permata hati kembali kepangkuan Illahi 16 bulan yg lepas..but tidak ada hari yg I tidak mengingatinya...telinga ini masih lagi terdengar suara dan gelak tawanya...masih lagi terbayang2 senyumnya..and masih terasa lagi kehangatan pelukan dan ciuman my mum...everyday I would kiss and hug her..yup I always made it as a practice and I'm glad I did that...losing my mum secara tiba2 tanpa sebarang warning really kills sebahagian dari hidup I...and until now I'm still suffering but alhamdulillah as a muslim..I terima semuanya sebagai ujian dari Allah and ia merupakan qada' and qadar Allah...I always remind myself....ajal and maut ditangan Allah..jika sudah sampai masa..ia tidak dapat dilengah or dicepatkan walaupun sekelip mata...It's very painful...and I still have my mum's favorite baju, kain n scarf dibawah bantal...tiada satupun dlm dunia ni yg dapat menggantikan my mum...not even emas permata or duit berjuta...nothing will stop me from merindui my permata hati....pada Allah..I always ask for HIS belas kasihan..kasihani my mum and letakkan my permata hati ditaman2 syurga and semuga i will meet my mum in Jannah...Amin..
I've never got the chance to make a birthday cake for my own permata hati..so everytime a customer request for a birthday cake for their mom, hati i mesti rasa sayu..but happy to do it..at least dapat buat hati seorang ibu gembira..walaupun not my own...
Juita requested for a buttercream cake...but hiasan diatasnya..i taburkan dgn helaian kelopak mawar...i love roses so much...to me a rose is the ratu to all flowers..ia penuh dgn ciri2 kelembutan and also kemewahan kasih sayang..
Juita wanted something green..tak kisah warna hijau apapun...her mother loves green..so as u must have known..i hate doing things yg macam kat kedai...i just want to upgrade my piping skill..mesti ada yg kata senang saja nak deco cake ni...nope...it took lots of time...coz i had to pipe the "pearls" one by one and had to change my piping bags since i used 3 different green hues..so it wasn't easy...lenguh tangan pipekan all the dots keliling kek...
Well..this is a very simple cake..but Juita loved it...alhamdulillah...Actually this cake was done very long time ago..and baru hari ini dapat diuploadkan..bkan sebab terlalu simple..but coz it is a cake for a mother..I can'st stop crying while typing this entry..how i wish i still have my permata hati for me to hug and kiss..Pada mereka yg masih mempunyai mak..hargailah mereka....hug them..kiss themm.tell them that you love them..do everything special for them..coz we will never know sampai bila kita dapat berpeluang berbuat begitu...
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
kasih ibu...
Posted by sweetmunchkiny (shikin - 012 606 9494) shikinbasiron@gmail.com at 9:28 PM 4 comments
Labels: birthday
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
All girls' favorite things
Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens,
bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens,
brown paper packages tied up with strings,
these are a few of my favorite things.
Cream colored ponies and crisp apple strudels,
door bells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles.
Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings.
these are a few of my favorite things.
Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes,
snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes,
silver white winters that melt into springs,
these are a few of my favorite things
Mesti ramai yg tahu lyric lagu dari filem mana ni...well this is the song lyric of "My favourite things" from the movie Sound of Music...my favorite film..i love this movie so much and can watch it over and over...tanpa jemu...ha..ha..ha..poor munchkin pun selalu kena dera tenguk sekali dgn I...love all the songs in this movie..
So..base on the title...I teruja sgt nak buat lebih kurang yg sama...All girl's favorite things...and this "cake" was done for Lynn..a very last minute order disaat I sedang "honeymoon"...she was so bersungguh2 minta dibuatkan untk set hantaran perkahwinannya..actually she totally forgot about hantaran cakes...he..he..he..faham sgt tu..maklumle berbagai2 benda dlm kepala menjelang hari bahagia...Actually that week I memang dah allocatekan time utk my family..waktu cuti sekolah...but kesian pula pada Lynn ..and plus memikirkan the excitement nak buat something special...so terpaksa cut short my honeymoon...
Actually Lynn requested two sets of hantaran..for both sides..untuk set perempuan..she wanted something yg mencerminkan kewanitaan..tak kisah apa saja...bila dia cakap mcm tu..terus terbayang nak buatkan set vintage dinner bag...with all the vintage makeup sets...wanita and alat solek memang tidak dapat dipisahkan..excited sangat with this project...
Talking about alat solek...he..he..he..sukalah saya mengingatkan kepada para isteri..bersoleklah untuk suami..bukan suruh bersolek yg tebal2 sgt...don't get me wrong..bersolek to me..is perkemaskan penampilan diri kita bila bersama suami..Ada dianatara kita yg suka berbaju kelawar...comfortable memang comfortable or berkain batik n tshirt...makin lusuh makin best...he..he.he..my own experience..tapi sekali sekala oklah...berdandanlah dirumah...untuk suami kita...Ada diantara para isteri..bila nak keluar rumah..berjam2 duduk didepan cermin..bila keluar harum semerbak...muka dah berwarna warni..segan kalau org tenguk tanpa sebarang solekan..but bila sgn suami..dhlah pakai baju kelawar..rambut pun tak sikat..org melaka cakap serabai...silap tu...kita marah if suami tenguk perempuan lain ..tapi kita sendiri abaikan penampilan kita bila berada dgn suami..kita lebih jaga penampilan kita bila dgn org..bukanke kecantikan kita hanya untuk suami kita? So to para isteri..berhiaslah dan berdandanlah utk suami kita.....
OK....let me introduce the makeup sets first...face powder..by the way, Lynn wanted something pink or white..as long as sweet...not all pink color is sweet...kena cari hue pink yg betul...and untuk nampak feminin lagi...i gunakan hiasan yg ada lingkaran..
Then..the lipstick..the casing pun i gunakan yg ada lingkaran...and warnakan silver utk kesan classic...cuma tak perasan pula..bhagian dlm tak tersapu habis warna...
Next is the vintage perfume bottle...together with the powder brush...
Now....the main item..the vintage dinner bag...holdernya memang i nak nampak classic and elegant...and ditambahkan lagi dgn lingkaran bunga halus menghiasi bahagian atas beg...If diperhatikan..ada banyak kedutan di beg dinner ni...memang disengajakan untuk menampakkan kesan movement yg natural...as for the jalur pada beg..what i did was..rolled flat the fondant and then gelekkan textured rolling pin keatasnya...bila dibalutkan pada kek, jgn terlalu tekan sgt so that kesan jaluran tu tak akan hilang...
So seperti biasa, i akan lapikkan set hantaran dgn "lipatan kain satin"...and juga dihiasi dgn taburan kelopak mawar untuk nampak lebih feminin lagi...by the way..mesti semua perasan...the whole set berkilat...he..he..he...now i'm crazy airbrushing..semua i nak airbrushkan...tak puas hati if ada yg tak kilat..and i gunakan Americolor sheen..sikit saja yg harus digunakan tapi kesannya..masyaAllah jauh beza jika tidak dikilatkan dgn sheen...
This set together with another set dihantar pada Lynn..and terus dikerumuni oleh family members dia...first time I jumpa Lynn in person..yup..she got to know about my artwork via internet...and memang tak dinafikan I dapat ramai kenalan baik customer ataupun fellow decorators via this blog..By the way, ada juga family member Lynn yg nak mngusik untuk test kek masak or tidak....but alhamdullillah..Lynn was happy wity both of my artwork....telling the truth sometimes..susah I nak panngil my artwork as cake...coz it does not look like a cake at all...Well till the next entry take care...and to Lynn semuga berbahagia hingga ke jannah...kehidupan berumahtangga is one of the nikmat yg Allah beri pada kita..so make sure nikmatnya berterusan...
Posted by sweetmunchkiny (shikin - 012 606 9494) shikinbasiron@gmail.com at 10:21 AM 1 comments
Labels: Handbag cake, kek hantaran fondant, novelty cake, pink n silver
Sunday, March 28, 2010
The golden wings
Salam pada semua..what a week! Finally dapat bernafas semula..alhamdulillah semua permintaan dapt disiapkan tepat pada masanya walaupun banyak sgt dugaan minggu ni..but alhamdulillah yg tidak terhingga coz minggu ni keluarga kami menerima seorang lagi family member..my anak buah Muhammad Al Fateh was born on the 24th..3.5kg...he is soooo cute macam "ibu" dia..ha..ha..ha..that's me lah sudah pasti...semuga anak buah lelaki nombor dua ini akan membesar sebagai seorang anak soleh yg akan menjadi khalifah Allah..amin..Bila melihat wajah Fateh...hati ni bertanya2 macam mana seorang ibu sanggup membuang bayi kecil..and yg paling menyedihkan bila baca berita..terdapat more than 74,000 bayi Melayu Islam yg dilahirkan sebagai anak luar nikah for the past 5 years (source from majalah al-islam..baca waktu tunggu baby Fateh keluar)..tu tak termasuk bayi yg dibuang or dibiarkan mati begitu sahaja...Apa nak jadi pada masyarakat kita...angka tersebut begitu menakutkan.kenapa statistik ini begitu tinggi? Apa sebabnya? Maybe masyarakat kita tak macam dulu..."suka jaga tepi kain org"...to me it's nothing wrong if kita jaga tepi kain org utk tujuan kebaikan.apa yg salah patut ditegur...Sometimes kita nampak anak jiran kita buat perkara tak elok..tapi kita selalu cakap ..mak bapak dia pun tak kisah...lagipun bukan anak kita..biarkanlah..Begitulah sikap org2 kita sekarang..Sometimes nak tegur ahli keluarga kita sendiri pun tak terkeluar dari mulut kita..biarlah..adik kita dah besar panjang..padahal adik kita boleh bercumbu mesra depan kita dgn pasangannya tanpa segan silu..anak-anak buah tenguk melopong...kita sebagai abang or kakak tutup mata aje..tak nak tegur sebab kita memang abang and kakak yg sporting..lagipun mak bapak kita tak kisah pun...Tu depan kita, apa lagi belakang kita? Ada pula yg nak menghalalkan semuanya ambil jalan paling mudah...tunangkan aje....apa salahnya dia bawak tunang dia..As if pertunangan itu menjadi tiket yg membolehkan segala2nya...semuga ahli keluarga kita dijauhkan dari semua ini..amin Ya Allah...dan marilah kita sama2 "menjaga tepi kain org" supaya dapat memastikan org tu tak pakai kain koyak..takut dia tak perasan....org ketawa dia ketawa...but bila dia nangis meraung..semua jauhkan diri...
Ok..let's talk about cake...all together this week dapat siapkan 2 kek lapis hantaran, satu kek ulangtahun company..yg diorder at very last minute..satu kek hantaran fondant dan 2 set kek kahwin fondant 2 tingkat...my munchkin keep on reminding me..pls do not accept anymore orders for this week..ha..ha..ha..sebenarnya I nak mencuba mem"pressure" myself..nak tenguk terbuat atau tidak..mesti ada yg tertanya2 ada tak org yg membantu I? Of course ada..my bibik..tukang cuci and kemas semua peralatan I...my munchkin selalu cakap I ni macam cerita..the shoemaker and the elves...buat kerja sampai mlm..bila mata dah ngantuk..tak larat nak kemas...should see my workplace..with all the gadgets and sepahan yg ditinggalkan...but bila bangun pagi..semua dah kemas...memang macam cerita the shoemaker and the elves..and my elf cakap Indonesia.and saya juga bisa ngomong bahasa Indonesia...My other helpers are my kids..yg kadang2 kena paksa buatkan bunga2an untuk I...my daughter age 12 and my son age 8..they are very good with the roses..maksud I dlm membuat kelopak bunga..and the most important of all..my darling mucnhkin..he makes sure semuanya ok..cake boards..pillars..ribbons..and he is my best logo maker...most of the times he will suggest ideas bila I'm hving my day of "idea block"...and my dad too..he gives me ideas..he loves to watch me doing my work..Without these superb people in my life, rasanya tak terbuat kot semua kerja..thankyou Allah for your wonderful gifts...so this week..dlm keadaan i nak "test" my power...my main helper..my munchkin demam...anak i juga and my dad..so basically I was a lone ranger...had to everything sendiri..
As the title mentioned...the golden wings..memang cake kali ni..rasanya one of the cakes yg i puas hati sgt..full with wings and color emas lagi...This cake was specially done for Ismail and pasangannya..sweet Yana..they had placed the order since last year and they were among my customer yg berani "ambil risiko" untuk kek perkahwinan mereka...Actually if u all perasan...I'm so new in this cake thing...sometimes bila customer nak tengok contoh kek kahwin...I had to tell them the truth..they will be my portfolio...so that's the case with Yana and Ismail...they trusted me with my work..infact they all tapau semua kek perkahwinan mereka...for both sides..termasuk kek hantaran sekali...it was a big honor for me...so as to show my gratitude and appreciation for the trust in my work...I did this stacked full fondant covered wedding cake for their final special day..as a big suprise for them...they requested for buttercream icing actually...happy to "give" something back for their trust..
Ismail wanted a gold and white cake..he wanted something sweet and beautiful...and he wanted the human toppers too...but.after second thought...few days before the big day...I sms dia tanya boleh tak without the toppers..coz it wont fit with my design...he didn't mind as long as cantik...good..he made my job easy...
So sebagai ganti human toppers..i penuhkan atas dgn lots of "wings" butterflies..and gold dragees...I used my butterflies patchwork cutters to do this..
As for borders..bahagian atas dibuatkan bunga2 kecil and dibahagian bawah dengan lingkaran mutiara...dibuat dati my pearl mould bought from sugarflours..I love the blue pearlmould coz it's so flexible and ada tiga saiz pearl yg kita boleh buat.
As for the gold color....this was the first time I used my new airbrush utk spray the whole cake..actually it was so easy to use the airbrush and more economical lagi...coz I pernah buat a gold wedding cake...and it cost me RM55 for a can of gold spray..which was not enough to cover two stacked cakes...but with my airbrush..I only used few drops of my Gold sheen and wolla! hasilnya excellent...whole bottle of 255g kot...cost me only RM26 and I only used few drops..I highly encouraged using airbrush...memudahkan kerja banyak sgt...tak payah terkial2 nak sapu...few minutes dah siap dah...By the way..before I spray on the cake..I test dulu color gold yg I ada..actually I ada 2 types..americolor gold sheen and jenama "X"...the verdict..Americolor is much better...lebih berkilat and warna kilauan emasnya menakjubkan..guess if Jay Wong from Baker's Choice is reading this..he must be smiling big..he..he..he..more discounts for me Jay...By the way, sebenarnya..semua hiasan atas kek ni di colorkan dgn semburan airbrush...termasuk rama2, flowers and the pearls..sebab tu semuanya berkilat...
Atas cake board..I taburkan dgn bunga2 kecil sebagai penyeri..and by the way..cake board juga I balut dgn kertas emas...actually board tu memang dah dibalutpun dgn kertas emas..but to me..it will spoil the look of my cakes..tak apa keluar modal sikit..penat kita buat kek cantik2 don't spoil our artwork just because of nak dapat untung few cents more...
So finally presenting the whole cake...THE GOLDEN WINGS!!!! To Ismail and Yana..a very big thank you from me..I promised both of you to give my best..and this is my best..hopefully my cakes turut menyerikan majlis u all berdua...
The cake was delivered to rumah Ismail..and for the first time I met with the pengantin sewaktu hantar kek....maklumlah sebelum ni yg menempah semua pengantin perempuan...ni pengantin lelaki..so tak payah di solek..Ismail sibuk melayan tetamu masa tu...and from his face of course everybody knows he is the happiest man on earth...Why not? Now dia sah bergelar suami pada permaisuri hati nya.
Ha..ha..ha..masa hantar kek tu ada sorang nenek cute yg sedang duduk ditepi meja kek..so tak sampai hati nak suruh dia beredar waktu ambil gambar..so tak banyak gambar yg dapat diambil..and after that this nenek jadi penjaga kek..dari dikerumuni oleh bebudak..kids were surrounding the cake..and they were chased away by this nene..Menyesal I tak snap gambar nenek tu..hanya nampak tangannya...
By the way...as for the kek hantaran...I buatkan kek lapis serawak yg bertemakan gold and rama2 juga..hmm...actually I just baked the cake..yg susunnya mucnhkin I..sebelum dia demam....he is good dlm menyusun kek serawak...
Well...I hope u guys have enjoyed viewing the pictures of my work..as i had enjoyed producing it.....To Ismail and Yana..semuga berbahagia hingga ke Jannah....bertolak ansur and banyak bersabar..always cari kebaikan pasangan kita...jgn dicari keburukannya...terima kasih sekali lagi...
p/s : Hmm..Datuk Shahrizat baru sahaja hari ni announcekan 4 langkah pencegahan pembuangan bayi...Rasanya dah lama kita dgr sahaja but no action being taken..why can't they see what's the real problem actually? hopefully kali ni bukan perancangan NATO lagi...cukup2 lah tu...
Posted by sweetmunchkiny (shikin - 012 606 9494) shikinbasiron@gmail.com at 4:18 PM 1 comments
Labels: 2 tier cakes, fondant wedding cake, gold and white, Wedding cakes
Monday, March 22, 2010
You'll never walk alone
Salam to all...what a tiring day...just finish baking two sets of kek lapis hantaran...had been on my feet for the whole day...now it's the time for me to take a short break...still have lots of flowers to be done...
Actually this cake was done sometime ago for my senior in KL..and just got the chance to upload it...khuatir if ada yg boring asyik tenguk kek hantaran and wedding cake..so i selitkan cake football ni...and from the tag line and the silhoutte..i guess lots of you can guess it already which team I'm going to present..yup..it's Liverpool!!! Yeah Go Liverpool....Ha..ha..ha..cara I bersorak macam I ni kaki bola...Actually I'm not into football..but used to be a fanatic fan sometime in the 70's where our national squad was the talk not only in our homeland but also in Asia...the name Mokhtar Dahari or super Mokh..and his famous jersey number 10...Arumugam for his spidey movement infront of the goal post..memang betul...if dia tangkapa bola..aksinya memang hebat..and bola macam melekat aje kat tangan dia...Then we also have Soh Chin Aun now is a Datok...Melaka Datok, Santokh Singh..walaupun badan boleh tahan besar tapi lincah dipadang and handsome..seribu kali dapat kalahkan shakrukh khan, Dollah Salleh...and ramai lagi...that was the superb era for our football team...now..if bagi ticket free pun I tak akan pergi...he..he..he...no offense to Malaysian football fan..but it's not worth watching the game now...ha..ha..ha..especially for Melaka state team...jaringan lawan macam main netball....6-1, 7-0, 5-1...I hope tak da yg akan saman I..coz this is the fact...
Hmm..let's forget about the "netball team"...lagi baik cakap pasal kek...by the way, this cake was ordered by Puan Allyn Rabiah...boss Cenderasari...and also tuan punya restoran Tanjong Seafood di KL...untuk anaknya Ariq sempena birthdaynya yg ke-7. This was my first full fondant cake...and this time bukan i purposely chose merah coz disebabkan warna kesukaan I..but sempena warna official liverpool..and dipadankan dgn teal color...
As for the logo ... as usual I tak guna ediple printed logo...I just love the challenge to do the logo manually...and this time 100% was done by me...nak try to challenge my munchkin...but I guess he is the winner..I'm not as accurate as him..and it took me half day to do the whole logo...maybe pada yg tidak faham, mereka mesti tertanya2 why fondant cake is expensive...firstly...fondant is expensive...even if buat sendiri pun..it's very time consuming and leceh...sometimes jadi..sometimes tak jadi..and hasilnya tak selembut and sehalus ready made fondant. Secondly..it's not easy to do the figurine...ambil masa juga...so the whole process is not easy..sebab tu harga kek fondant memang mahal compared to buttercream cake...I know other decorators are having the same problem too...customers always ingat fondant cake sama harga dgn buttercream cake....so to all readers..it's not that we want to sell at high price sebab suka2...nope at all...it's because of the work yg ambil masa...
Ariq is a fanatic fan of Steven Gerrard..pemain nombor lapan pasukan Liverpool...and this time round, I nak cuba something different..instead of having the figurine of Gerrard..I gunakan bayangan dia beraksi menendang bola...
So basically, this is a very "Liverpool-ian" cake...semuanya gabungan warna rasmi Liverpool...and diserikan dengan few cupcakes warna senada...but fokus kepada Gerrard...buah hati Ariq...and I was lucky..managed to buy the bekas seakan2 corak bola..hitam putih...beli kat Bake with Yen KL...and for those yg kat Melaka..ada dijual di King Hin and Fun Bake but of course with higher price....If bola, mana boleh lari dari jersey, boots and muffler..etc...ha..ha..ha..unless if buat untk Melaka state team..boleh I buatkan "beep" and tiang gol netball..he..he..he..harap2 manager Melaka ada baca blog I..bukan tujuan nak mengutuk pasukan Melaka..but sekadar untuk mencabar mereka supaya mempamerkan aksi anak jantan bila dipadang bola...football is a man-game...oops sorry no offense to the ladies teams..but rasanya if pemain perempuan yg bermain utk Melaka..rasanya lagi cemerlang kot...;P
Lupa pula nak mention, cake board ni juga dialas dgn fondant...and mesti ada yg nak tahu mcm mana boleh dpat merah sebegini...mesti ada yg ingat I gunakan Satin Ice fondant yg memang dah warna merah..nope...I gunakan fondant putih and kemudian diwarnakan merah..I gunakan warna red-red and a little bit of lemon yellow..tak susah nak dapatkan warna merah ni...
This cake was delivered to Allyn di premis Cendrasari Ampang Point...but I didn't get the chance to mee the birthday boy himself...However, I was told that he was thrilled with this Liverpool cake...By the way, instead of "Football Club" I gantikan dgn the word "Happy birthday" and "Ariq-7" to replace "EST-1892" to make it more personalised for the birthday boy...To Allyn..terima kasih daun keladi...
p/s : By the way...the logo was made everything from fondant cutouts even the lingkaran atas tu pun dari fondant cutouts...tulisan sahaja guna royal icing
Posted by sweetmunchkiny (shikin - 012 606 9494) shikinbasiron@gmail.com at 8:34 PM 0 comments
Labels: birthday, fondant cake
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Jambangan kasih
Salam pd semua..semuga semuanya diberkati dan berada dlm lindungan Allah. Alhamdulillah program Chit Chat cintamu untuk siapa telah pun dilaksanakan dgn jayanya by Little Khalifah Shop di masjid Asy Syakirin KLCC..and 20 of the girls were from Melaka..pelajar Sekolah Agama Sri An Nurriah Sungai Udang Melaka...terima kasih yg tidak terhingga kepada para penderma yg budiman...hanya Allah sahaja yg dapat membalas segala kebaikan and I am very touch with kemurahan hati mereka...semuga segala kebaikan diberi keberkatan dan kerahmatan dari Allah..To my best buddy...Lynn..keep up the good work....and may Allah bless u for yr noble effort...
Kek hantaran kali ni..dibuat untuk Sis Ika...her other cake..cake kebaya...She didn't specify cake yg bgaimana..dia tak kisah katanya..but she wanted somthing yg berbunga and if boleh...English design...So cake Ika penuh dgn bunga2..and mostly in pink and purple hues..her favorite colors...
Untuk menampakkan "English look", I decided to buatkan satu jambangan bunga yg diletakkan didalam bakul fondant yg dianyam manually...and lenguh juga tangan menganyam bakul ni..apa taknya..bukan boleh dianyam terus...kena potong pendek2 and cantumkan..yang lain seperti biasa....
Bunga2 semua dikilatkan dgn luster dust...tq to sis Nurainie Tan...she was so kind to reply my question walaupun it was a bit late at night when i sent her the message bertanyakan mcm mana nak kilatkan bunga2 I..terlupa pasal luster dust..sebab i dah terbiasa gunakan pearl sheen...Tq so much sis...yup talking about Nurainie's kindness..someone tegur I last week..she told me I should not tell people all my techniques..should keep it as my art secret...Well...my anwer is so simple..why not..I love to share my knowledge with others..so that tak rugi ilmu yg kita ada...ilmu is for us to share..not to hide...even org yg kedekut harta akan dipersoalkan oleh Allah..apa lagi if kita kedekut ilmu...so jgn kedekut ilmu..tak rugi kita share our knowledge...;)
Ok...back to this cake..actually taklah susah sgt nak buat cake ni..yg lecehnya nak buat bunga2 ni..sesiapa aje boleh buat jambangan bunga dlm bakul ni...hope u guys will enjoy the pictures...so sorry if the entry this time is so short....actaully..this week will be a busy week....ni pun curi masa untuk update blog...to all take care and till we meet again di alam cyber...semuga kita sentiasa dilindungi Allah dari sebarang kejahatan and kemungkaran...salam untuk semua...
Posted by sweetmunchkiny (shikin - 012 606 9494) shikinbasiron@gmail.com at 6:24 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 15, 2010
salam pd semua...hving my break after a very tiring but fun weekend....a weekend yg penuh dgn suspen, panik, gelabah and penuh dgn cabaran...actually penuh dgn disaster but alhamdulillah semuanya dapat diatasi...Last week...for the first time atas special request from special people, I did 4 buttercream hantaran cakes for weddings and bertunang..will post the pictures in another entry....
This is the most special wedding cake yg I pernah buat...it's red and black! Mesti ramai yg akan terperanjat tenguk warna kek ni..memang merah garang..ha..ha..ha..as I've told some of my friends..i love to play with bold and vibrant colors.. To me this cake is very sexy, wild and hot!!! and I was so pleased with the result...sound easy kan..but the thing is..this cake merupakan diantara kek yg paling banyak memberi msalah...infact it was a big disaster at the beginning!!! However dgn pertolongan my munchkin and also my kids...everything berjaya diatasi..tq to all of u..this cake tak akan berjaya disempurnakan without the help from them...hugs and kisses from me...
This cake was ordered by Izan...last year somewhere in November..she told me she wanted a red cake..bunga putih...bentuk hati and I agreed..BUT..it was totally a very big disaster. With buttercream susah nak dapt warna merah hati...the color pecah..mcm gambar kat atas tu...I was so frustrated...very frustrated...called up Izan she said it was ok..as long as it is red...Well...selesai masalahkan...customer tak kisah...phew lega..!!! But being me, I was not satisfied..coz bila Izan placed the order..I dah bayangkan I wanted something very hot red...sexy..and wild and infact i yg rekomenkan supaya pilih warna padanan hitam instead of putih..i wanted the cake to be something different...a cake which will make heads turn...My munchkin also felt the same..to us, if we are not satisfied...customer akan lagi rasa tak puas hati juga...
Puas juga I cuba dapatkan warna merah yg dihajati..but tak dapat..so was thinking of using my new airbrush set...maybe Allah benar2 nak menduga I malam tu...the airbrush set tak boleh digunakan...rang up Sammy pukul 9.30 malam..by the way she is one of my sifusvand she is Tan See Fong's wife...munchkin i beli dari dia...She asked us to come over and tukar...but masa dah terlalu suntuk...I had to do the frosting ...so munchkin i yg pergi..we were thinking to spray dgn airbrush...Hampir putus asa dibuatnya...tak pernah ada perasaan begini..so I tried to calm down..and finally I decided to guna fondant...at it will be on me...To me, I am willing to tanggung kerugian daripada spoilkan harapan and kegembiraan my customer...walaupun diMelaka ni..wedding cake kurang bermakna pada para pengantin...to some..kek pengantin hanya untuk tujuan bergambar aje bila pakai wedding gown..it's not something special...jgn terperanjat if ada yg suruh simpan kek pengantin dlm rumah...To me kek pengantin sgt istimewa..sebab tu I really put the effort to decorate my wedding cake...And atas sebab itulah...i decided to buat kek fondant...tak sampai 15 min, i dah dapat warna merah yg dihajati...Alhamdulillah...it would be a big suprise for Izan...
Dari awal lagi I dah cakap dgn Izan...let's do a red and black cake...and she agreed..padanan hitam dgn merah yg sgt terang menghasilkan kesan yg sungguh dramatik and benar2 hidup...so untuk hiasan, i buatkan mawar hitam and also lingkaran hitam mengelilingi kek...by the way..the black color memang hitam berkilat barulah dapat kesan seperti yg i hendak bila diletakkan diatas warna merah tu..
This cake dua tingkat and seperti biasa, I do not like to use the normal plastic pillars...sorry but no offense..rasa mcm outdated pulak...So dgn pertolongan my munchkin..I used a heart shape styrofoam sbagai pengganti pillar plastik..dibalut dgn riben hitam and kemudiannya dilapiskan dgn renda hitam bercorak...Begitu juga dgn base dibahagian bawah...and perasan tak corak lingkaran ditepi kek senada dgn corak di renda hitam...
As u notice, cake board i yg berbentuk hati sama sja ukuran dgn cake...Actually, susah nak dapat cake board bentuk hati yg sepadan dgn saiz kek..so sekali lagi dgn pertolongan my munchkin...cake board terpaksa dipotong sesuai dgn saiz yg diperlukan..and dibalut dgn kertas emas khas..memang board tu dah siap dibalut..but warnanya berlainan....everything has to be perfect and nice...sebab tu dibalutkan dgn kertas emas yg lebih menarik...and semuanya dibuatkan oleh munchkin I..it wasn't easy to cut the hard board....apalagi dlm saat2 yg really menguji kesabaran i pada mlm tu...I ingat, bila dah guna fondant, masalah I akan selesai...NOOOOO...fondant pulak buat hal....sebab cuaca lembab maka ia jadi a bit berair and melekit..tu belum lagi mention..bunga2 hitam and daun2nya pun dah start menjadi lembik....everything had to be done at a very quick speed...supaya i dapat pindahkan dlm bilik berair-cond secepat mungkin..yup..fondant alah pada humidity...
I decided not to do the "tradisional" setting....I wanted something different in everything termasuk susunannya..so...disengetkan tingkat yg kedua...susunannya tidak selari...lagipun i nak pertontonkan setiap sudut kek...
Finally..at 3.15 in the morning..after facing all the problems and disaster moments...the cake was done..and hasilnya...fantastic...pada I lah...memang puas hati sgt...hopefully Izan would be happy with the cake...
This cake was delivered to Izan's house very early in the morning coz I had to rush to segamat for my cousin's wedding and majlis pertunangan adik ipar I yg berjalan serentak di Segamat pada hari yg sama...The best thing was..kek hantaran adik ipar i masih belum siap lagi...ha..ha..ha..dah terbayang muka ibu mertua kesayanganku....by the way..sewaktu i type this entry..my dearest MIL berada dlm pesawat menuju Mekah...untuk ibadah umrah..semuga dipermudahkan segala urusan ibu disana...
Sempat jumpa Izan seketika...and juga cik andam Erin yg glamor sewaktu hantar kek...dah agak dah..she must change her mind for her wedding cake..everytime she sees different design..sabar ya cik Erin..yr wedding bulan 7..lama lagi...belum lagi ada design untuk u..if ada design mesti banyak kali kena ubah...;)
Well to Izan..tqvm and semuga berbahagia hingga ke jannah bersama suami tercinta...banyakkan sabar and bertolak ansur and semuga dikurniakan zuriat soleh and solehah....by the way, Izan did send me a very lovely and sweet tq msg...biar i saja yg tahu..but her sincere sweet message really menmbuatkan i lupa dgn segala susah payah and kesulitan yg dialami sewaktu hendak menghasilkan kek yg benar2 sexy and wild ini...tq so much dear
Posted by sweetmunchkiny (shikin - 012 606 9494) shikinbasiron@gmail.com at 10:00 PM 2 comments
Labels: black and red cake, fondant wedding cake, red cake, Wedding cakes