Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Juntaian kasih

Salam buat semua...have been busy lately with dugaan kehidupan yg benar2 mencabar keimanan...but alhamdulillah walaupun dugaan tersebut berat but one of the hikmah siblings semakin rapat and i'm very lucky to have my sister and brother and also my ipar-ipar...tanpa they all, rasanya dah lama I tumbang dlm menghadapi ujian Allah..tak payahlah cakap ujian apa...but sekadar peringatan untuk kita semua...usahlah kita cuba mengecapi kesenangan dengan merampas kebahagiaan org lain dengan cara yg dilaknati Allah..walaupun didunia kita mungkin boleh tersenyum..tetapi ingatlah akan janji Allah...setiap perbuatan yg menyekutukan Allah neraka jahanam lah tempatnya. And I thank Allah for giving me the strength walaupun kadang2 I almost give up...

Ok..forget about problems..let's talk about something which I adore so much..cake decorating..and this time this cake is so was ordered by a very special friend who had placed the order di awal career I...she always had the cofident in me..The cake was specially ordered for her cousin and to be delivered to Dean Dato Osman Saad di Kem Wardieburn Setapak..and color theme was tiffany blue...and immediately terus terbayang a very feminine concept but elegant...Lots of planning and hard work were put into this cake...and cake nya tiga tingkat...13in, 9inch and 7in...tinggi every layer was about 4 jenuhlah menguli and mencanaikan fondant..but I have my own way dlm mencanai fondant and mengalas kek..tak kira saiz besar or kecil and I learned it from the internet...senang aje sebenarnya...what we have to do get two pieces of large thick plastic...normally i gunakan plastic alas meja...first bentangkan the 1st plastic..put the required amount of fondant atas plastic..and then cover dengan helaian plastic yg kedua..So geleklah fondant tersebut sehingga ke tahap nipis yg sesuai...Angkat fondant tersebut but do not peel off the plastic and cuba letak atas kek..Caution jgn letak dulu...just agak2..bila rasa dah sesuai dgn saiz yg dikehendaki...barulah peel off one of the plastic..preferable plastic yg pada permukaan fondant yg kurang memeuaskan...then angkat fondant tersebut and letakkan diatas kek...perlahan2 peel off the other plastic layer...Tada!!! Senangkan...masa I belajar, normally my instructor akan cakap guna roller..and it was really a nuisance espcially bila lapisan fondant yg nak digunakan bersaiz that's the tip for today...selamat mencuba...

As usual my favorite flowers digunakan..and this time...warna putih and diairbrushkan dgn americolor pearl white..and it makes the flowers very satin or porcelain like..if I'm not mistaken sebanyak 98 kuntuman bunga ros digunakan and kesemuanya disediakan seminggu lebih awal supaya ia benar2 kering.

Untuk dapatkan warna tiffany ni..I gunakan warna teal wilton and plus sedikit warna hijau..bila dah siap semuanya..diairbrushkan dengan pearl white..itu yg nampak jelas warna tiffany..really stand out bila dah diairbrushkan dgn pearl white..for those yg stay di Melaka..Americolor is sold in Kinh Hin Bukit China, usual..this is not a promotion and I do n't earn anything from Mr Lim walaupun I kenal rapat dgn dia..this is my way of helping fellow decorators...To me apa yg kita boleh share..harus diberitahu..tak rugi apa2 pun...Ada yg tanya I ..tak takut persaingan ke? To me why nak takut..rezeki Allah beri and setiap org ada cara kerjanya sendiri..we might have the same recipe but bila dimasak, rasa or texturenya mesti berlainan..coz tukang masaknya berlainan..

Untuk kek ini, I mahukan ciri2 feminin yg I chose pearls..I love pearls soooo much...cantik sgt butiran permata...and mesti ada yg tanya mcm mana pearl I boleh sama aje besar...I use my silicon pearl mould bought from SF Bangi...I lovr the silicon pearl walupun harganya boleh tahan coz its very flexible. And for this design, I gunakan juga the tear drop pearl...but adjusted panjangnya...Notice or not the upper part...That's the tier separator....styrofoam dibalut dgn riben warna biru juga...I memang tak suka gunakan kaki plastic for my cakes...So I normally dapatkan bantuan my munchkin to come up with the design...I just akan beritahu my munchkin konsep yg I mahukan for my design and he will do all the tier separators for me...dari memotong hingga memasang riben...Ha..haha..I tahu semuanya dah ready untuk I...Yup, he helps me a lot in my work...and maybe that is one of the reason why i'm so spoiled..but two heads are better than the end of every projects..we'll sit down together and and give comments to our work. OOopps..back to this first tier...atasnya I letakkan kuntuman roses mengelilingi tepi kek...and gabungan roses and pearls diatas kek warna tiffany nampak requested by Datin X..he..he.hee..sorry..atas sebab2 tertentu have to rahsiakan nama my good buddy ni..By the way, everything is do not hesitate to get yr airbrush set for cake decorators..its so easy and menjimatkan banyak masa.

As for the second tier..still gunakan pearls but kali ni..I buat tiga lapisan pearls...and semuanya menggunakan mould...but dipisahkan individually and dilekatkan satu persatu mengelilingi kek...konsep yg sama juga..white roses mengelilingi kek..

For the top tier...The height was about 5 to 6 inch...and memang mencabar juga nak balutkan fondant disebabkan oleh ketinggiannya..but dgn gunakan teknik plastic yg i sebutkan diawal tadi..alhamdulillah tiada masalah. And for this tier..I emphasizekan on the tear drops pearl...suka tengok juntaian pearl tersebut mengelilingi kek...and atasnya dipenuhkan dgn kuntuman bunga...

Finally....the whole cake...all the tiers were handsomely done by my dearest munchkin ...Both of us memang very particular about the tier us...bila dah buat kek cantik..separatornya pun mesti cantik juga...decorating cake is about everything....from A to Z...penat if kita buat kek cantik2 tiba2 nampak "cake board kedai" offense...but pada I mcm mana cantik sekalipun kek tu..if nampak jelas cake board kedai tu..nescaya ia akan mencacatkan hasil kerja kita...Oh ya...for the cake board..I "alaskan" setiapnya dgn fondant. Ha..ha..ha..actually tak alaskan pun...dulu2 memang I alaskan cake board dgn fondant...lepastu angkat kek and alihkan pada cake board yg dah dialaskan tu...But now my work becoming of my decorator firends ajar..tak payah alas...cukup hanya kalau kita "alaskan" keliling kek sahaja...Maksudnya..put our cake on the board yug tidak dialas...balutkan dgn fondant..then canaikan fondant and alaskan atas board mengelilingi easy and kemas...tak payah susah2 nak alihkan kek..

Finally the cake was delivered to kem Wardieburn...hmm...notice the name...? I wonder who chose that name for an army camp...mula2 pergi WAR..then DIE...malangnya naib lepas tu kena BURN...pulak..WARDIEBURN...ha..ha..ha...We arrived around 6pm to dewan Datok Osman Saad..and sampai sahaja I terperanjat bila tengok hiasan khemah...HIJAU TURQOISE...and my cake was TIFFANY BLUE..immediately I rang up my Datin X..tanya dia..sebenarnya warna apa walaupun I memang confident dia cakap dgn I warna tiffany blue..but seriaulah juga..nasib baik I tak deletekan pesanan sms nya..memang warna Tiffany katanya..dia pun wonder kenapa warna Turqoise...So we assembled the cake..tiernya memang dah siap just assemble aje..tapi terpkasa diletakkan dibahagian belakang pentas dulu sementara tunggu majlis berinai..which later the cake was brought ke depan....Alhamdulillah Datin X was happy with the cake...and warna baju pengantin senada dengan warna I wish i dapat letakkan sekali gambar pengantin bersama kek..To Hani and Abu..selamat melayari bahtera rumahtangga...banyak2 timba ilmu rumahtangga..banyak2 bersabar...semuga bersama hingga ke jannah...To my good buddy..Datin X..tq so much for your trust...tq for yr I very many people whom I loved are always there to give me all the supports..and I my praise to Allah for all HIS wonderful blessings...

Sehingga ketemu so busy now with Indonesian layer cake project...and maaf segala tempahan untuk birthday, hantaran or wedding cake tidak dapat ditunaikan sehingga habis bulan Ramadhan..jutaan maaf pada yg berhajat..


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