Thursday, May 13, 2010

Gadis dan bunga

Salam buat semua..semuga semuanya berada didalam rahmat Allah...alhamdulillah i'm recovering from my backache and going back to Kota Tinggi ....ribuan ampun dan maaf pada tempahan yg terpaksa ditolak..This is the week which I spent most of my time infront of TV with laptop on my lap...bukannya tenguk apa...sekarang kan sedang demam piala I was following the games too...but too bad, watching the game now macam dah something missing...dah tak ada "mmph" lagi...can still remember during my childhood days..if ada game badminton..zaman2 Misbun Sidek, Razif and Jailani and Foo Kok Keong...bersemangat sangat tengok..penuh suspen and banyak kejutan...there was a game which I couldn't forget...masa tu Malaysia VS musuh tradisi Indonesia and berada dalam perlawanan yg akan menentukan pasukan mana yang akan mara..and the game was played by our Foo Kok Keong...a very veteran thing yg buat I tak lupa was his fighting spirit...he was running all alround the court like a tiger to fight and he never gave up...he let out all his energy and spirit and in the end he was the Wira Malaysia..we won the game...Watching Hafiz Hashim playing yesterday..nothing compared to Foo Kok Keong..he played with real fighting spirit and masa tu tiada langsung imbuhan lumayan yang ditawarkan..apa yg ada adalah semangat untuk menjulang nama Malaysia..and talking about fighting spirit..mesti ada yg sudah lihat satu iklan yg memaparkan Datuk Soh Chin Aun..bintang bola sepak lagenda negara...looking at the iklan..bagai kembali semula to my childhood years too..antara kata2 Dato SCA dlm iklan tu ialah.."before the game..we were so scared and so nervous that we will loose and when u went out from the tunnel"...."and when you are in the field u go in like a tiger and wanting to win the game" and his words at the end begitu bermakna..."there is no point of telling everybody that we are playing for the country..the most important show it"

Maybe ada yg tertanya2 apa yg cuba I nak perkatakan tentang iklan Datuk Soh Chin Aun...ha..ha..ha.. he is not my uncle kay...tapi let's talk about cake dulu before i merepek lagi jauh tentang iklan tu...This hantaran cake was ordered by my dearest Nurul first customer in the baking industry..she ordered 20 loafs each of marble and banana cakes..that was then my first jump into the baking industry..and there wasn't any slightest hint that I would try my hand in cake decorating...and now I'm more into cake decorating than baking...and i'm enjoying every seconds of my work...Nurul wanted a special hantaran cake for adik iparnya..and since she was my first customer ..I planned to do something very special for had to be something beautiful but different....yup I always love to make a cake which does not look like a cake..I love to be different...why we have to be the same as others when we can be different?

So this time round I buatkan bunga2 combination of pink, purple and white
..and ofcourse my favorite flower..roses. Dibandingkan dgn bunga lain ...roses memang bunga yang paling sesuai untuk dijadikan hiasan berbanding dgn bunga lain..sesuai dgn gelaran ratu bunga...Cuma kali ni sebagai bunga "penyibuk"...dibuatkan juga carnation and few other small flowers...All the flowers were airbrushed..and kali ni I gunakan pearl, purple, pink and green sheen..can see the difference ..sungguh ketara sekali...bunga yg diairbrush dgn sheen nampak berkilat mcm bunga porcelain....cuba bandingkan dgn bunga dibawah...which i used luster dust applied manually dgn berus...See the differences? With luster dust..tak semua bahagian bunga dapat disapu and it took longer time to siapkan..

Maybe ada yg ingat,I dah pernah buat bunga dlm bakul...and kali ni I buat juga bunga dalam bakul but different presentation..if dulu my bakul was so "biasa"..kali ni bakulnya ada bentuk dibawah...Actually I didn't carve this cake..sayang pula kalau dipotong...what I did was..baked the cake in my barbie's doll pan..and terus dapat shape mcm tu..b ut of course kena potong bahagian bawah sikit untuk lebih stabil lagi...And anyaman bakul adalh dari fondant..kena buat satu kes terover excited lah ni..sebenarnya boleh guna roller yg ada basket texture..but I guessed I just wanted to have a natural looking rattan basket..and tell u all the satisfaction after seeing the hasil of my work really made me forget about penat menganyam..Actually masa buat bakul ni, I encountered a big problem..kerja yg sepatutnya cepat dah jadi lambat disebabkan oleh fondant yg I gunakan..normally I gunakan Bakel's Pettinice but there was no stock in no choice..terpaksa guna a local brand..which cost me almost the same as Bakel's but quality wise..cukuplah I cakap..I do not want to use that brand lagi..ha..ha..ha..tak boleh tahan..kena cakap's not white, it's not pliable, it's not halus and it's so difficult to mix the colors..and texturenya macam tpung kuih pau tak jadi..bottom line..NO WAY I'm going to use that brand again walau murah mcm mana pun sekali harganya...I was so furious with that brand..immediately rang up bos King Hin and let him know about ke knows already and always have Bakels for me..tq Mr Lim if not kena pergi KL to get my stock..

Ok..back to this bakul...kali ni ..dibuatkan juga tangkainya...untuk menjadikan tangkai ni lebih kukuh...takut patah ditengah jalan..since ia akan dibawa pulang ke Kelantan...I gunakan wayar ..Bentukkan dulu wayar tu sebelum dilingkar dgn fondat..ukur dulu panjang mana yg kita hendak..So bila dah puas hati, lingkar sahaja wayar tu dgn lingkaran fondant..but peringatan..everytime kita menggunakan bahan yg tidak boleh dimakan untuk hiasan kek kita..we hv to let our customers mereka akan berhati2 takut dimakan oleh kanak2...there was one customer of mind yg called me up and tanya.."kak shikin, lilin tu edible tak?"...masa tu I gunakan fancy candles..since everything boleh dibuat dari fondant, the customer ingat lilin pun I buat..So sepatutnya kita harus tunggu tangkainya kering baru dicucukkan pada kek supaya tangkai dapat berdiri dengan senang disebabkan tiada tekanan berat, tapi sebab I mengejar masa terus cucuk sahaja..lepas dibalutkan tangkainya dgn fondant, dihias pula dgn riben fondant juga...Masa buat bakul ni, bibik I asyik perhati aje...tiba2 dia tanya "Ibu, bakul ini boleh diangkat atau tidak jika dipegang tangkainya?" Tergelak I dengar soalan dia...tapi suspen juga mana tahu tiba2 dia angkat bakul tu...Ha..ha..ha..rupanya bila hantar bakul ni, soalan yg serupa juga diaju oleh tuan rumah " Boleh ke angkat bakul ni?"..Memang bakul bunga ni nampak real..ramai yg terperanjat bila diberitahu sebenarnya ia adalah kek..Thank you Allah for giving me the idea..alhamdulillah.

So semua bunga disusun and my father was sitting beside me masa tu..bagi advise mcm mana nak susun dad is also one of the person yg selalu bagi moral support in my cake decorating work..infact he was the one yg cadangkan supaya I gunakan lingakaran wayar untuk mengukuhkan tangkai bakul..He also said..jgn susun bunga mendatar..biar turun naik...ha..ha..ha..he is an expert...coz masa hayat my mum, my mum loved to buat and ubah bunga..she was so good and creative..and there was this one time during raya..our house penuh dgn bunga riben hasil seni my mother..setiap ruang atas meja semua dipenuhi dgn bunga riben..infact sampai kena letak vase atas nak beli dia tak nak jual..sayang sgt katanya..can understand her feeling..but I had no choice..bunga tahan lama..tapi kalau kek? But everytime nak "berpisah" dgn my artwork mesti ada perasaan sedih...maklumlah dah berhari2 kita mengadapnya..tiba2 diserahkan pd org lain and tahu pula ia akan

So here is the final artwork...was so satisfied with the result..and the customer was so happy too..masa deliver this flower basket...ramai yg terpegun...and ada yg terperanjat when they got to know it was a cake..and all the flowers were edible..

Ok..before I end this entry just wanna continue a little bit about iklan Datuk SCA in the beginning of the entry..we have to be like tigers..fight with a spirit..punya keazaman yg tinggi tak kira dlam bidang apa juga yang kita ceburi..tak kisah lah kita surirumah tangga ke, tukang sapu tepi jalan ke, pegawai besar di pejabat..cake decorator..student..semua yg kita lakukan haruslah bersemangat bukan suku hati or separuh hati...give our full commitment..and jgn takut or risau dgn ketidakupayaan kita..coz "ketidakupayaan" or "ketidakbolehan" kita hanyalah illusi dlm kepala kita yg akan membantutkan kebolehan dan kreativiti kita..jgn terus kata tidak boleh...jgn terus matikan langkah sebelum kita cuba mengangkat kaki masuk ke gelanggang..cuba dulu..give our best try..jadikan halangan sebagai pemangkin yg dapat membakar semangat kita...bila kita sudah cuba dgn memberi sepenuh commitment kita..if tidak menjadi seperti apa yg kita harapkan at least kita puas hati..and jangan kita asyik kata kita akan give our best but in reality..ia hanya words at in our mouth..cakap and buat..tunjuk pada to my decorator friends especially for my best buddy Elaine who is having big project this coming June..always believe u can do it..give yr best walaupun upahnya tak seberapa..coz ia akan menjadi pemangkin for yr future artwork..if u never try u will never know...ha..ha..ha..fight like a tiger..if kecundang kita puas hati at lest kita dah mengeluarkan cakaran yg hebat...if u all notice..pasangan beregu negara..dipanggil sebagai pasangan bidan terjun..kedua2nya gempal...first time international appearance for one of them...berjumpa dgn pasangan terbaik Eropah...and see how they fought..they fought like real Malaysian warriors..kudos to them..walaupun kalah..their fighting spirit was to all..stay positive and fly high eventhough sometimes we do not hv the wings...To Nurul and her MIL..thank you for the trust...will be happy to do the wedding cake nanti..hint..hint...;)


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