Well...finally my work on the farmyard cuppies is done...and I'm so happy and proud with my artwork..to me personally...this is my best artwork....I would like to thank Kak Yasmin Sanusi from bakingproject...I dapat banyak knowledge bile browse her site...and I personally msg Kak Min minta kebenaran...coz when it comes to ideas sometimes we might has the same idea...and ofcourse most of the time u can't avoid having the same thing as others...tapi bila fikir...all the cats in the world semua ada 4 kaki...he...he..he.. but as a courtesy to other artist...and at the same time I do not want people to say that I plagiate others...its better to get the permission or at least give some credits....and everyone will be happy....
So...coming back to the cat and mouse story..these cakes are parts of the farmyard story...every of my cake has it own story....and i enjoy doing it...
Introducing my first cat....Si Oren...sedang duduk diatas batu...hmm..he seems like he is eyeing something...apa agaknya ye ?
Tak bergerak2 si Oren memerhatikan sesuatu...maybe musuh or maybe mangsa yg akan menjadi rezeki...apa agaknya ye???
Ooooo...no we know...he is eyeing Cik Menti (my mother always reminded me not to panggil cik Menti with her real name...this creature understand us..and they will react violently against us)...rupa2nya Cik Menti juga mencari rezeki yang terbiar didepan mata....without realizing that she is under the watch of Si Oren yg menunggu masa untuk menerkam...apa agaknya rasa perasaan Cik Menti bila realize ada sepasang mata galak memerhatikannya?
Of course kita dapat agak apa yg dirasai oleh Cik Menti especially when we are trying to grab something which do not belong to us...berdebar2..takut..panik..dan bermacam2 lagi..Thank you Allah for giving us rezeki yg halal and kita tidak perlu mengambil hak org lain..but to some people they have to do it..in the name of survival...pada kita yg diberi rezeki oleh Allah sentiasa lah bersyukur dgn nikmatNYA dan jgn lupa untuk bersedekah..krn bukan semua yg kita dapat itu milik kita secara total..sebahagiannya adalah milik org lain...and always remember...tangan yg memberi itu lebih baik drpd yg menerima...and the more we give InsyaAllah akan dikurniakan rezeki yg berlipat kali ganda...
3 years ago
Hi thanks for poosting this
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